SPALECK Vakuumbandfilter Walze

Vacuum belt filters Tailored to your filtration and dewatering needs

The right vacuum belt filter for every industry

We offer various types of vacuum belt filters with additional functions such as press or cake washing devices. The most suitable system will be selected for you according to your requirements. Laboratory tests are carried out beforehand in order to optimally design and plan the system. Pilot plants are available at any time so that test runs can also be carried out on site at your company.

Application video vacuum belt filter

Drying of silicia


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Advantages of vacuum belt filters

Your advantages at a glance

  • Low space requirement due to modular and optimized construction
  • Very robust design with few moving parts
  • Only one wearing part: the filter fabric
  • The filter system can be easily adapted to product and capacity fluctuations

Typical areas of application for vacuum belt filters

Successful also in your industry

  • Chemical and pharmaceutical industry
  • Flue gas desulphurisation plants
  • Soil, sand, gypsum, lime production processes
  • The drainage and washing of minerals
  • Paper and printing companies
  • Steel and Aluminium plants
  • Uranium, Copper, Nickel, Coal and Gold mines
SPALECK Vakuumbandfilter Walze

Vacuum belt filters

Advantages & benefits

Are you interested in belt filters? Then let´s get in touch now.

Dirk Dünnewald | Technical Sales
Christian Gerner | Technical Engineer
Huzefa Khan Niazi | Technical Engineer
Martin van Unen | Senior Business Development Manager
Coen van Wilgen | Office Manager